Our wide range of engineering disciplines permit us to provide either on-site or remote assistance during
installation or movement of medium to large (internal travel dimensions of up to 1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m)
CNC milling machines of up to 5 movement axes.
❖ Location requirements based on machine power/size.
❖ Internal component listing and installation.
– Part Fixtures (mechanical/ pneumatic).
– Tool Installation.
– Waste management system (lubricant/ material).
❖ Personnel training for safety and usage.
If manual and documentation aren’t available, please contact us or look at further options.

Provided an old automated mill lacking documentation or running on old software.
❖ Mechanical Upgrade.
This includes exchanging mechanical systems such as motors, drive trains, fixtures, spindles and
general machine hardware with newer ones, usually providing the necessary software changes
within the same price range (case dependent – please contact for details)
❖ Software Upgrade.
Provided with functioning hardware systems and proper documentation we exchange the high-level
controller with an upgraded one providing more connectivity and easier cross-platform functionality (case dependent – please contact for details). Pricing varies on level of integration:
– Platform replacement: The entire internal software and accompanying hardware is replaced. May require mechanical replacements, please contact for more information.
– Platform addition: The existing infrastructure is functional but there are difficulties with connectivity and cross-platform functionality. We install an additional system that functions as mediator between older and newer technology, therefore extending the life of the old CNC machine. (some documentation of old system required; pricing varies – please contact for details)
❖ Support.
We provide general support, on-site or remote, for potential upgrades or older systems. Initial
remote consultation is free, contact us for availability/ ability to help. You will need to provide
machine model, date of installation, estimation of work hours (if available), software used (if

We provide assistance with the automation upgrade of a production line. We will function as mediators
between the sub-system providers, assist during installation and provide software for monitoring and
control of facility.
❖ Automated production line design.
-Multiple CNC machine collaboration for single part production.
-Movement from one machine to next.
-Mechanical sub-systems required.
-Part feeding systems installation.
-Pick and Place systems.
❖ Monitoring software.
-Overall master software monitoring production line.
-Sensor implementation for proper monitoring.
-Data acquisition/processing.
-Automated QR code per-part implementation and scanning.
-Cloud-based functionality.
We can assist and guide for automation implementation of up to ISA-95 level 3 (Manufacturing
operational Planning) by implementing data-driven control and suggestion systems for part production.
This is recommended for bulk part providers. Please contact for more information and pricing.
We create necessary documentation for CNC systems. This includes:
❖ System dimensioning (internal part capabilities, external dimensions, internal range of motion)
❖ Power requirements.
❖ Maintenance requirements and instructions.
❖ Software details and instructions.
Each case is unique, please contact us for specific information. Please provide any available information.